XOR encoder


The XOR encoder transforms bytes into its xor equivalent within its given key.


xorenc --input shell.raw --output shell.enc --key 96

shencode encoder xor [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-k KEY] [-v]

--help            show this help message and exit
--input INPUT     Input file for XOR encoding
--output OUTPUT   Outputfile for XOR encoding
--key KEY         Key for XOR encoding

--verbose         Show encrypted bytes

Example Output

shencode encoder xor --input shell.raw --output shell.enc --key 96 -v

[*] Reading shellcode
[108, 113, 176, 220, 113, 186, 213, 121, 113, 8, 249, 113, 176, 124, 193, 113, 176, 124, 201, 113, 176, 124, 209, 113, 176, 124, 217, 113, 176, 124, 225, 113, 176, 124, 233, 113, 176, 124, 241, 105, 113, 129, 110, 80, 87, 124, 65, 92, 90, 40, 113, 248, 217, 49, 113, 248, 209, 49, 105, 113, 176, 92, 225, 113, 8, 249, 137, 89, 92, 113, 178, 57, 113, 178, 121, 33, 113, 178, 121, 25, 113, 178, 57, 113, 178, 57, 113, 178, 121, 25, 113, 176, 250, 113, 8, 240, 178, 122, 5, 113, 56, 225, 113, 8, 240, 185, 248, 177, 178, 61, 49, 113, 56, 225, 178, 113, 45, 113, 176, 116, 193, 178, 113, 37, 113, 56, 224, 113, 176, 116, 201, 178, 113, 25, 113, 56, 224, 113, 176, 116, 209, 178, 113, 29, 113, 56, 224, 113, 176, 116, 217, 113, 8, 249, 113, 8, 240, 113, 178, 76, 225, 113, 178, 68, 209, 197, 178, 5, 190, 113, 56, 230, 136, 49, 202, 159, 77, 48, 113, 198, 249, 113, 2, 124, 193, 76, 219, 113, 178, 116, 217, 113, 178, 108, 201, 95, 178, 61, 120, 178, 61, 187, 113, 56, 225, 210, 57, 113, 8, 235, 113, 8, 240, 104, 113, 128, 90, 88, 85, 90, 23, 92, 65, 92, 104, 113, 176, 216, 139, 56, 113, 186, 221, 201, 113, 186, 213, 25, 198, 233, 113, 186, 253, 1, 113, 186, 253, 33, 113, 186, 253, 49, 100, 250]
[+] XOR encoded shellcode created in shell.tmp
[+] DONE!